remove-item \\server\c$\scripts\temp\temp.txt
$Where = read-host "Would you like to search in
1. Script name
2. Script content
$What = read-host "What are you searching for?"
$scripts = Get-ChildItem "\\server\c$\Scripts" -Recurse -include *.ps1 | ForEach-Object -Process {$_.FullName}
#Perform actions based on whether you are searching for the name or a line of code in a script
# Initialize the hash table
$hash = $null
$count = 1 #<-- Count is used to create the number (key) in the hash table below
$hash = @{}
$hash.add(1,"Still haven't found what I'm looking for")
IF($where -eq "1")
{Foreach($s in $scripts)
{$Name = Get-childitem $s;
IF($ -match $what){$count = $count + 1; $hash.add($count, $}
ELSEIF($where -eq "2")
{Foreach($s in $scripts)
{$content = Get-Content $s
IF($content -match $what){$count = $count + 1;$Name = Get-childitem $s;$hash.add($count, $}
$len = $hash.count #<-- Since the hash will be variable length, count the hash entries
$menuChoice = 0
While($menuChoice -lt 1 -or $menuChoice -gt $len) # <-- Ask the user to select an entry until they make a valid selection
$menuChoice = Read-Host "Please enter the # of the search item (1-$len):
$($hash.GetEnumerator() | sort key | out-string)"
1 {
# use $menuchoice = 0 is you want to make them choose again
default {
$selected = $hash.Item([int]$menuChoice);
$menuchoice = $len
Write-Host "You want to look at "$selected
$selectedDetails = get-childitem \\server\c$\scripts\* -recurse -include $selected
$selectedPath = ($selectedDetails).pspath
$d = $selectedPath.trimstart("Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::")
$d = "\\" + $d
Write-Host "The path is " $d
copy-item $d \\server\c$\scripts\temp\temp.txt
notepad \\server\c$\scripts\temp.txt
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